5 Tips To Speed Your Recovery From Rotator Cuff Surgery

At Georgia Hand, Shoulder & Elbow, located in Atlanta and Marietta, we want to help you understand your surgical procedure and quickly recover.

So if you’re concerned about your recovery, let us help with some torn rotator cuff surgery recovery tips.

Many people think you must return to normal immediately and do everything yourself. A big part of recovery is asking for help. Moving your arm unnecessarily, even while you sleep, should be avoided.

Getting enough sleep every night will help speed up your recovery time. You can recover from these tears or shoulder joint issues in many practical ways.

A few key ways to speed up the recovery process, reduce shoulder pain, and get your rotator cuff tendons healing are:

  • Know when you should call for help
  • Do the physical therapy exercises
  • Be mindful of your rotator cuff movement

These are the primary ways you can recover from this injury. Let’s discuss more tips for healing when you’ve suffered from tendon tears or rotator cuff injuries. This kind of prevention may help you avoid the need for a total shoulder replacement surgery in the future.

1. Wear a Shoulder Immobilizer or Sling after Rotator Cuff Repair

After surgery, your orthopedic surgeon will typically give you a sling or similar item to immobilize your affected shoulder and limit your range of motion.

The device will help recover surrounding tissue, prevent future injuries, and help reduce swelling in the affected arm.

Following a treatment plan will help you live pain-free and regain motion faster when undergoing surgery.

There are various types of repair procedures, including open surgery.

Although wearing your sling will restrict arm movement and might feel uncomfortable at times, it will help your recovery in the long run, regardless of your type of surgery.

2. Go for Physical Therapy

Make sure you attend your physical therapy sessions if you want to rebuild your shoulder muscles, flexibility, and mobility after the procedure.

It’s easy to make excuses to skip out, but this is one of the worst things you can do for your recovery.

Improving after shoulder surgery means putting in the work necessary to get your body back into fighting condition.

Therapy is one of the best ways you can accomplish this.

The physical therapist will help you move and exercise passive motion in a safe environment, where you don’t have to be afraid of accidentally hurting yourself.

Participating requires more than just showing up. Actively listen and follow the instructions your therapist gives.

Doing the movements you’re assigned at home will play a big part in getting you better faster.

3. Eliminate Pain Medication as Soon as Possible

You’ll likely receive nerve block pain medication after repairing a rotator cuff injury. Even with conservative treatment, you may have a lot of pills to take.

However, for a while, pain medication will help you tremendously as you recover from shoulder surgery and general anesthesia.

Studies have shown that the quicker you get off the meds, the faster you recover. Pain management is a massive part of recovery.

Try to get off your pain medicine as quickly as possible.

4. Avoid Some Shoulder Positions and Arm Movements

Avoid doing everyday movements that might involve lifting or leaning on your arm.

Doing unnecessary movements outside your exercise program can aggravate the repaired tendon and create scar tissue.

Recovering might be a primary concern if you’ve undergone rotator cuff repair.

With your arm immobilized, it feels like there’s not much you can do around the house or at work. So make sure you ask for help whenever you need it.

5. Don't Rush Recovery after Rotator Cuff Tears

It’s easy to get impatient when you don’t feel your active motion is coming along fast enough after a tear.

However, if you get impatient, you risk exacerbating your injury by doing something foolish. Remember that recovery is a process and needs your full attention.

Final Thoughts on Rotator Cuff Surgery Recovery Tips

A torn tendon between your shoulder blade and upper arm bone is an acute injury that will take time to heal.

Focus on working towards regaining the strength to perform passive motions, and your active motions will soon return after your shoulder surgery.

Get in touch with Georgia Hand, Shoulder & Elbow today to schedule an appointment for fast recovery.

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